Happy National Running Day!!!

So as you may or may not know (my title kinda gives it away) but today is National Running Day!  “What is National Running Day?” you might ask.  According to RunningDay.org, National Running Day has been held on the first Wenesday of every month since 2009. It is a day when runners everywhere declare their passion for running.  You can spread your passion by organizing a group run, signing up for a race, or just sharing your love of running with family and friends. (source)


I’m loving it here!

Today I’m linking up with Jonesin’ For a Run and some other Sweat Pink Ambassadors for a National Running Day Interview.

national running day

1. Why do you run?

I started to run to lose weight.  Surprisingly enough, I grew to like it!  For the first time in my life I was feeling like an athlete and doing something I never thought was possible.  I like running races, I like the challenge of a new distance or trying to go faster, and I like all the people that I’ve met along the way.  Now it’s just a habit.  I feel “off” if I don’t run for a few days.  I also run to set a good example for Charlotte.  I started running when she was 2, so she doesn’t remember me not running.  I hope that by watching me train and run and make time for myself, she’ll know she can do it too (or do whatever she wants to do.)

2. How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day?

This year is going to be tricky.  Brian went out of town yesterday and is not coming home until late tonight.  I have two options.  If I can swing it, I’m going to leave work early to get a run in before picking Charlotte up.  My other option is to just take Charlotte to a park in the afternoon and run around with her.  It won’t be a “run” per say, but it will be a run with my most favorite person in the world.  If all that falls through, I’m picking up my race packet today, that counts!

3. How many miles have you run so far this year?


4. What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year?

The races I have left for 2015 include the Baltimore 10 Miler this Saturday, the Charles Street 12 in September and the Baltimore Half in October.

5. Before I leave for a run I must have:

My Garmin, phone, a handheld water bottle lately, and my headphones.

6. Do you have one favorite app to track your runs?

I log my runs on Map My Run.  I’ve been meaning to try Strava though.  I’ve heard good things.

7. Who is your favorite running partner?

Me, myself, and I.  I run solo.  I’m not against a running partner, I just don’t have one to meet up with during the week.  I do like meeting up with a group though.  I like getting together with my MRTT group and in the summer I’m doing a half marathon training group again.  It’s nice to meet new people, learn from each other, and cheer each other on.

8. What races have you ran so far this year?

So far this year, I’ve run the Cupids Crush 10K, the White Hall 15K, the Kelly’s Shamrock 5K, Sole of the City 10K, the Frederick Half Marathon, and the Color Run.


Finish line photo at Cupids Crush

9. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about running what would it be?

If you are just starting, start slow and give it time.  It will be hard at first and you will want to quit.  I promise, though, you will reach the day when your plan has you run 30 minutes straight with no walk breaks and you will do it!  And you will freak out and feel awesome.  Then you will want to go longer and do more.  Just be patient.

10.  Describe your relationship with running in one word?


national running day

Why do you run?  How are you planning to celebrate National Running Day?

Be sure to visit the other blogs in the link up and share your love for running!


  1. Hehe “and for pizza”. I run to be a good example for Betty. And I guess pizza is pretty awesome too. 🙂
    I love this. You have accomplished so much in such a short time. Your journey has been inspirational!!

  2. I love that you run for your daughter. She will definitely learn through your passion for running 😀 And pizza? Yes! Food in general is a great reason to run! I love to run because it makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. It makes me feel strong and powerful. In celebration of that power feeling, I rocked some mile repeats yesterday 🙂 Hope you had a great day!

  3. Pingback: Friday Five – How to Celebrate National Running Day Without Actually Running | Sweaty Mess Mama

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